
Alexis Gritchenko

Alexis Gritchenko

Painter, art historian, graphic artist. Attended Department of Philology at the universities of St. Petersburg, Kyiv and Moscow (1905-1912). Studied painting in the Kyiv studios of S. Svitoslavsky and Oleksandr Bogomazov (1905), and in the private art schools of Konstantin Yuon (1910) and Ilia Mashkov (1911) in Moscow. From 1905 on contributed to exhibitions, including “New Society of Artists”, “Modern Painting”, “Jack of Diamonds” (1912) and “Union of Youth (1913-1914). Taught at Svomas in Moscow (1919). Moved to France (1923); member of “Paris Group of Ukrainian Artists,” which included Kliment Redko and Nikolai Gluschenko. Author of essays on art history and memoirs.

Books about Alexis Gritchenko:

Ukrainian Artists

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