About artist Alexandra Exter

Alexandra Exter (1882—1949) – undoubtedly one of the most fascinating avant-garde artists of Ukraine and Russia in the early twentieth century. Exter was able to give a highly individualized interpretation to the basic problems of contemporary art. Like many of...

Alexander Bogomazov: Ukrainian Picasso

The present day life is marked as time of reappraisal of values in various spheres of life. Events of national history are being viewed from a new, more impartial, angle. Many notable names of those, who formed the van of cultural life not only in the Ukraine but...

Cubism reality of Mykhailo Andreenko

Andreenko’s work reflects almost all the artistic trends of our century. Beginning with 1915—1916, Andreenko exhibited cubist-constructivist work. By 1928 he switched from constructivistic stage designs and still-life paintings to surrealistic oils and gouaches, which...