
Oleksandr Savchenko-Bilsky
Graphic artist, painter, iconographer. Came from a family of an independent artist. Studied at the Chernihiv gymnasium and the Real School, and in the painting department of the Kyiv Art School. Debuted at the exhibition of the Association of Chernihiv artists in 1917. In 1918 joined F. Krychevsky‘s studio at the Ukrainian Academy. Mobilized into Denikin’s army (1919). In 1920 emigrated to Istanbul then, in 1923, to France, where he entered the Academy of Art in Marseilles. During 1925 — 1926 took part in the exhibitions of Russian artists; in the 1930s and 1940s exhibited at Montparnasse and Picadilly. Lived in France from 1922 and belonged to the “Paris Group” of Ukrainian artists. Worked largely in the field of industrial and applied graphics in French advertising firms. Designed the iconostasis for the Ukrainian Catholic Church of St. Volodymyr in Paris (1945), which was later transferred to the church of Ss. Sergius and Bacchus in Rome (1972). Member of ANUM. Developed a post-impressionist style in his painting. Designed postcards on themes from Ukrainian history.