Graphic artist, art historian, editor, socio-political and cultural-artistic activist. Attended the Kyiv Art School (1911-1914). Together with brothers Mykhaylo and Vasyl’ Semenko, founded the first group of Ukrainian Futurists in Kyiv (1913-1914). Co-founder of the publishers “Kvero” [Quaero] (1914), “Grunt” [Ground] and “Siaivo” [Aura] (both 1918). During World War I, first served in the Russian army (1915), then completed the school for flag bearers in Zhytomyr (1915-1916) and became an aide-de-camp and Lieutenant in the UNRA (1917-1920). Worked in the military history section of the General Staff of the UNR and edited the unofficial section of the Staff newspaper Bureau of National Information and other military newsletters (1918). Secretary for the popular journal Universalny zhurnal[Universal Journal], (1918). In 1921, moved to L’viv and co-founded the literary-artistic groups “Mytusa” (1922-1923) and “Bohema” [Bohemians] (1923). He was also one of the founders and secretary of HDUM (1922-1926). Collaborated with a number of journals, including Mytusa, Budiak [Thistle], Zyz [Cross-Eye], Kul’tura [Culture], Nova kultura [New Culture], Svit [World], and Nova generatsiia [New Generation] (1927-1930). Member of the artistic group “Artes” (1930-1931). In 1931, traveled through Italy. In the same year, together with I. Krypiakevych and I. Krushelnytskyi, founded a group-of Ukrainian designers of ex libris. Founding member and secretary of ANUM; organized their exhibitions from 1931 to 1939. He was the de facto editor of ANUM’s journal Mystetstvo [Art] from 1932-1936, and also contributed to the journals Nazustrich [At the Waypoint] and Zhinka [Woman] from 1934 to 1938. Participated in international exhibitions of graphic art in Prague (1924), Brussels (1927), Los Angeles (1931), Berlin (1933), and Rome (1938). Authored art monographs on Alexis Gritchenko (1934), M. Hlushchenko [Nicolas Gloutchenko] (1934), and L. Getz (1939). Completed church decorations (independently, and in collaboration with M. Osinchuk) in numerous towns and villages of Galicia.